Building Leadership from Within

Jun 15, 2021

SLSG Girls Program Director Scott McDoniel Creating New Paths for Women's Leadership in SLSG and Beyond

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St. Louis Scott Gallagher Missouri (SLSG MO) soccer club is one of the founding members of the ECNL Girls, and one of the top player development organizations in America. Within this storied organization, Scott McDoniel is a long-standing staff member, currently the Girls Director of Coaching and head coach for both the U13 and U14 teams, and has played an integral role in developing hundreds of players for the club. 


While SLSG MO has a history of top-level players going on to further their playing careers at the collegiate, professional and national team levels, the club continues to evolve with the game, looking for innovative ways to challenge young athletes both on and off the field, and to continue to improve their impact on the game more broadly. 


This mindset led McDoniel to launch an exciting new initiative in 2020. With no playbook, past experience or guide, McDoniel poured his energy into getting the SLSG MO Leadership Initiative off the ground, with the goal of encouraging more females to enter into the coaching profession.


“Originally, the intent behind the program was to create a pathway for young women, young players, to become coaches,” McDoniel said. “We wanted to increase the number of female coaches that we had in the club. But with the few young ladies that I started the program with, there was a lot of discussion of expanding it, to just cover all areas of leadership in general, on and off the field.”


SLSG MO’s Leadership Initiative is in its second year, and since its inception, the program has considerably expanded and evolved. With the current COVID-19 challenges, all meetings are held over zoom, which has allowed more people to attend. The virtual platform has given McDoniel the opportunity to bring in a vast range of guest speakers, from former players to leaders in industries outside of soccer, and everyone in between. As a result, interest continues to grow, giving the program the support it needs to grow roots and progress for years to come. 


“It’s definitely evolving and it’s getting bigger,” McDoniel said. “Last year was kind of a pilot phase, just trying to figure out what we were going to do with it. Now I’ve been getting more than 200 people on calls. It’s been great and it’s really interesting, seeing all the girls get involved like this.”


During one of their recent meetings, McDoniel had SLSG MO alumnus Syd Stephens share her story. Stephens was a member of the Leadership Initiative last year during the pilot phase when she was a captain for her U18/19 team. She then graduated from Waterloo High School and attended the University of Georgia. Since becoming a Bulldog though, she’s battled adversity and significantly less playing time. McDoniel recognized her adversity is not an original story and that sharing her experiences would be beneficial for those in attendance. 


“Syd was a super captain and played in ECNL for her entire youth career,” McDoniel said. “She went to Georgia as a former captain, having never sat a minute for her ECNL team. And then she got to campus, barely played and had to figure out how to live with that, and also how to become a leader and contribute someway, somehow, even when she wasn’t playing.”


Stephens was thrilled to be back at the Leadership Initiative. It was an honor to be able to share her story and to be an example of how others can navigate tough times on the field. 


“Scott’s theme for the meeting was actually a quote, which was, ‘If you’re not a leader on the bench, you’re not a leader on the field. You’re either a leader everywhere or nowhere,’” Stephens said. “So my message and my story was that it’s okay to have certain expectations and then those expectations not being met. I played 55 minutes of my first semester, and that was something that I struggled with and was really frustrated with.


“So we had an open conversation about how to hold yourself accountable,” Stephens continued. “I shared a quote that was really inspirational, which was, ‘Adversity should be powerless against your purpose.’ That’s really what I wanted them to take away from our talk.” 


Now, McDoniel has always received positive feedback from Leadership Initiative sessions. But after Stephens spoke he got more texts and calls from participants than ever before. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, echoing just how important these meetings were. 


“Syd’s experience, it hit home with a lot of kids,” McDoniel said. “As one of the pioneers of this program, she had an influence and a connection with a lot of our younger players and they were engaged. The parents always seem to be around these meetings too, and I was getting texts during the meeting from parents saying, ‘Hey, this is awesome for these kids to hear about the struggles, how to be a better person on the sideline and how to find different ways to contribute.’ I was like, alright, we’re definitely on to something here.”


Much like McDoniel, Stephens also got feedback from those she was speaking to. 


“I got a lot of positive feedback from so many girls and even their parents,” Stephens said. “I felt so honored. And it actually went along with the theme of my talk, just keeping that bigger picture in mind. Doing talks like this and impacting younger soccer players, that goes toward my bigger picture of what I want to accomplish here at UGA but also even further in my soccer career.”


Being a role model for the younger kids at SLSG MO was always part of Stephen’s bigger picture. When she was in the Leadership Initiative, she saw the impact of alumni giving back first-hand and wanted to be one of those girls who would do the same. Returning to the Leadership Initiative as a speaker was exactly the type of opportunity she was looking for.


“I think having women in the sport for other young women to look up to, it’s something we don’t necessarily have a lot of in women’s sports, and so I think that’s where this is going,” Stephens said. “I just want to inspire young women to step into their leadership roles. I want them to be able to know that they have a voice, no matter how young, or what role they have in their lives. And I want them to be confident in growing up and being who they want to be. Because at the end of the day that is who a leader is, someone who is true to themselves and can use their voice to inspire others to do the same.”


Stephen’s wish for the program is right in line with McDoniel’s vision as well. As a way for some girls inside the Leadership Initiative to give back to SLSG MO while also getting valuable experience for coaching, McDoniel has had them assist in training sessions with younger age groups. “I’m getting kids who are interested in connecting with the younger teams, I’m getting them out on the field,” McDoniel said. “They’re going to be working with younger kids and be a role model for these kids. For example, the other night we had a virtual training session and Q&A. It was part of this program and it was a huge hit. The younger ones loved it. They absolutely loved it.”


One of the players who has been very involved in coaching is Alyssa Bockius, currently a member of the SLSG MO’s ECNL U16 team. She too is in her second season of participating in the Leadership Initiative and also happens to be one of the youngest at just 15 years old. She was a natural fit for the program because of her prior interest in coaching. 


“When Scott invited me into the program, he said that I was very young, because you had to be 16 in order to get your D coaching license,” Bockius said. “But he also said there were too many pictures of me with the team I was coaching with for me to not be a part of it.”


Bockius has attended every meeting since she was invited into the Leadership Initiative, which has continued to ignite and foster her passion for coaching. She has already completed her grassroots coaching course and once she turns 16, will complete the in-person grassroots coaching course, which would give her the ability to begin the D-level coaching license. 


Next year, Bockius will be the head coach of an SLSG MO club team, while also competing with the ECNL U17 team and attending high school. It’s something no other player in the club has done before, past or present. 


“When I first talked to Scott about getting my coaching license and playing, we both said this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, to be the first at something like this,” Bockius said. “I would be the first player in SLSG MO to have my D license as young as I am. I’m just so excited for the opportunity. It will definitely be a challenge for me, but I know when I do get my coaching license and have my own team, I’m going to have a huge support system. My assistant coach will be there whenever I can’t, and Scott and the club will help me balance everything to make it work.”


Bockius is a living example of the Leadership Initiative in action. When she joined the program, she was anxious, even calling McDoniel the night before her first meeting to help calm her nerves. Two years later, Bockius will tell you just how far she’s come. 


“The Leadership program has given me so much confidence in all aspects of my life, whether in school, out on the field or wherever else,” Bockius said. “I think back from before I was asked to participate, to where I am now, and you can tell that I’ve gained more confidence. My coaches have even told me they’ve seen how I’ve grown during this Leadership Initiative. So I think the confidence has been a huge aspect of it.”


In just two years, McDoniel has built the Leadership Initiative. It’s grown from a small group of participants to more than 200 at every meeting. The program now presents a mission with sights set on generating role models for young women within SLSG MO and beyond, and provides guidance in the art of coaching, leadership, and communication. 


The Leadership Initiative is constantly growing, with input from all sources: coaches, attendees, speakers, even parents. McDoniel doesn’t know the other areas the program will take on, but he knows it will be impactful. 


“It’s a living breathing program where it’s evolving daily,” McDoniel said. “Not only did it become a program where young females in the club can find, and have found, a pathway to becoming a coach, but it’s also become a situation where older players in the club can be role models for younger players. I’m going to continue to listen to the kids, what they need and what they want to learn and discuss – and to continue to make it a forum with open dialogue. So I don’t know exactly where it’s going to go, I just know it’s headed somewhere positive.”

By David Vedder 01 Jun, 2022
Dear SLSG Family, We’re thrilled to unveil our refreshed brand identity. The updates are intended to demonstrate the evolution of Scott Gallagher since its founding in 1976. While we have experienced significant change over the years, our core beliefs and Shield Values of UNITY, HUMILITY, PASSION, RESPECT, and TRADITION haven’t changed. It is our purpose to grow with intention — as individuals and as a team. We are empowered by these changes, and there is an overwhelming sense of excitement and belief in what the future holds for our club and for you, our members. Our team is like-minded, determined, and will continue to challenge ourselves daily to get better. In the spirit of rebranding, we commit to providing the same, or better, level of professionalism you have experienced, and we’d like to take the opportunity to thank our loyal members and business partners for your trust and loyalty. As you notice changes in our branding, signs, and promotions, please know that we are stronger than ever and have an extremely optimistic vision for the future. Sincerely, Brad Davis President • Saint Louis Scott Gallagher
By John Venneman 31 May, 2022
Youth Academy Teams Capture Super Copa Titles
By David Vedder 11 May, 2022
Saint Louis - The Saint Louis Scott Gallagher Girls Division is excited to begin announcing its Director, Coaching, and Administrative line up for the 2022-23 season. “Our Club Mission is unwavering, To Be the Best Club in the Country.” stated SLSG Girls Program Director Scott McDoniel. “And in order to effectively continue striving for this mission, SLSG Leadership has understood for some time that our teachers/coaches play a major role in helping us achieve this status.” The Girls Division plans to release the staffing announcements in phases, and in no particular order, throughout the month of May. The first platform to be highlighted is the Missouri Girls Youth Academy Staff (IL YA Staff to be announced soon!). “The MO Youth Academy Program consists of Elite and Premier Level Teams from the ages U9-U12” said Youth Academy Director Sterling Wescott. “We are incredibly proud of all our teams in the Junior Division [U6-U12], and over the years as the club has evolved and tiers have naturally been created, the Youth Academy Program has grown into a very high level and developmentally centric environment. There are two new additions to the Youth Academy Staff this year. 30-year coaching veteran and club favorite, Steve Pecher. Steve, in addition to working in the ECNL-RL Program, will be stepping into the U9 age group to be the lead voice for our 2014 Elite Navy Team. He will be joined by one of the club's up and coming superstar coaches, Lauren Nuelle. Lauren has been a full-time member of the staff for the past four years but has been coaching in the club even before graduating from Webster University in 2018. Lauren has worked with all ages in the club, most recently working inside our ECNL - Regional League platform. Pecher, who has an overwhelmingly successful playing and coaching resume, is excited to work with “the future” talent of the girl's program. “I have always enjoyed working with the young ages. I love helping to instill basic, but important, skill sets that they will need to be successful in the game, especially in this club. And also, I believe Lauren, who is talented at training soccer technique will be a great compliment to the U9 age group.” Youth Academy Director - Sterling Wescott U12 - 2011 Elite Navy - Carlton Williams, Sterling Wescott U12 - 2011 Elite Green - Carlton Williams, Sterling Wescott, Jesse Finney U12 - 2011 Premier Navy - Scott Nelson, Ryan Moon U12 - 2011 Premier Green - Bill Rombach, Megan Roth U12 - 2011 Premier White - Pat Barry, TBD U11 - 2012 Elite Navy - Sterling Wescott, Carlton Williams U11 - 2012 Elite Green - Sterling Wescott, Calton Williams U11 - 2012 Premier Navy - Larry Hulcer, Carli Bond U11 - 2012 Premier Green - Scott Nelson, Laura Stroot U10 - 2013 Elite Navy - Carlton William, Sterling Wescott, Carli Bond U10 - 2013 Elite Green - TBD U9 - 2014 Elite Navy - Steve Pecher - Lauren Nuelle U9 - 2014 Elite Green - Lauren Nuelle
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It’s All in the Experience!
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Fenton, MO - Saint Louis Scott Gallagher (SLSG) and Most Sacred Heart Parish (MSH) Eureka CYC soccer program have entered a strategic partnership. The two organizations will work together in several areas including coaching education and curriculum, player programming and camps. More details to come about the full extent of the partnership.
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